Creative Space with Jennifer Logue

Navigating Life's Waiting Periods

Jennifer Logue

In our journey through life, we often find ourselves in waiting periods—times when opportunities seem distant, and our dreams feel just out of reach.

On this episode of Creative Space, we’ll explore how to navigate life’s waiting periods, whether it’s creatively, personally or professionally. We’ll also dive into practical strategies to manage waiting periods effectively. I'll share techniques that have worked for me, and I invite you to connect and share your own experiences. Together, we can build a supportive community that navigates these challenging moments with grace and optimism.

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1:00—Number 1

2:32—Number 2

4:32—Number 3

5:17—Number 4

5:57—Number 5

Jennifer Logue:

Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of Creative Space, a podcast where we explore, learn and grow in creativity together. I'm your host, jennifer Logue, and today we're going to talk about navigating life's waiting periods and transforming patience into purpose. In our journey through life, we often find ourselves in waiting periods, times when opportunities seem distant and our dreams just feel out of reach. For artists this can be especially true. Just feel out of reach For artists. This can be especially true If you're an actor, for instance. You're constantly interviewing for your next job and there could be a big gap of time between one role and the next. If you're a painter, maybe your work hasn't been selling as much as it used to. If you're a writer, maybe you haven't gotten a story picked up in a while. It's in these moments of stillness that we can either succumb to frustration or find a deeper sense of purpose. Now let's explore how we can navigate these waiting periods with grace and turn them into opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Number one embrace the present moment. One of the greatest lessons we can learn during a waiting period is the art of being present. Often, we're so focused on what's ahead that we forget to appreciate the here and now. Take a deep breath and ground yourself in the present moment. Notice the beauty around you, the small joys in daily life and the simple pleasures that often go unnoticed. Practicing mindfulness can help you develop a greater sense of peace and contentment, whether it's through meditation, mindful walking or simply sing quietly with your thoughts. These practices can anchor you in the present and help you cultivate a sense of gratitude for the here and now, and this is especially important for creatives, because creative flow only exists in the present. For us to be our full selves creatively, sometimes we need a pause in the go-go-go of our creative ambitions to tune into the here and now of our creative flow. 2. Make time for self-improvement. Waiting periods can be the perfect time for self-improvement. Use this time to learn new skills, explore new hobbies and invest in personal growth. Read books that inspire you, take online courses to expand your knowledge or start a creative project that you've always wanted to try.

Jennifer Logue:

I myself am in a waiting period of sorts. Creatively, I'm not quite sure what my next act is. For the last few years, my creative focus has been this podcast, but in the process of doing the podcast, it's made me want to get back to being an artist myself. So I got started last year with taking voice lessons and this year I got back to piano. But I'm still in a waiting period. Do I join a band? Do I work towards a full album of original music? Of course I'm waiting on myself quite a bit in this respect. But let's say I decided that I want to do a new album of original songs. Well, to do that, I'm going to have to find a producer that will want to work with me and believe in the project and that could come with its own waiting period.

Jennifer Logue:

But taking the time to get a little better at your craft every day is a wonderful use of your time as you're waiting. If you're an actor, maybe that means taking some improv classes. If you're a painter, maybe that means exploring different mediums. If you're an artist of any kind, that could also mean doing a creative recovery course, like the Artist's Way by Julia Cameron, which I highly recommend, and you already know this if you listen to the podcast. Remember every moment you invest in yourself is a step towards becoming the best version of you. When opportunities finally arise, you'll be more prepared and confident to seize them because of the growth you've experienced during this time.

Jennifer Logue:

Number three connect with your inner self. In the hustle and bustle of life, we often lose touch with our inner selves. Use this waiting period to reconnect with who you are and what truly matters to you. Journaling can be a powerful tool for self-reflection Write about your dreams, your fears, your aspirations. Reflect on your journey so far and the lessons you've learned. Connecting with your inner self can provide clarity and direction. It helps you understand your true purpose and align your actions with your core values. This connection can become a guiding light illuminating your path even when external opportunities may seem scarce. Number four serve others. One of the most fulfilling ways to navigate a waiting period is by serving others. Volunteering your time and energy to help those in need can bring a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment. It shifts your focus from what you lack to what you can give, fostering this sense of compassion and connectedness. And no matter where you live. There are so many opportunities to be of service, and it doesn't have to be directly related to your art to be fulfilling. I'm actually thinking about volunteering at the local animal shelter. So there you go.

Jennifer Logue:

Number five trust the timing of your life. Patience is not just about waiting. It's about trusting the timing of life. I saw this beautiful quote the other day Everything comes to you at the right time. Be patient and trust the process. When we surrender to the natural flow of life, we release the anxiety and resistance that often accompany waiting periods. Trust that the universe has a plan for you and that everything is unfolding exactly as it should. This trust can transform your waiting period into a time of hope and optimism rather than one of frustration and despair.

Jennifer Logue:

So navigating a waiting period is not always easy, but it can be a transformative experience if you let it. By embracing the present moment, investing in self-improvement, connecting with your inner self, serving others and trusting the timing of life, you can turn these moments of stillness into profound opportunities for growth. Remember, every phase of life has its own unique purpose. Even in the quietest times, life is preparing you for something greater. Embrace the journey with an open heart and a patient spirit, and you will find that the waiting period was an essential part of your path to fulfillment and success.

Jennifer Logue:

Now I'd love to hear from you what do you do when you're in a waiting period? Have you tried some of these tactics and did they work for you? Have you tried some of these tactics and did they work for you? Send me an email to info at jenniferloebcom, or you can reach out to me on social media. That's all I have for this episode of Creative Space. If you love the podcast so far, please leave a review so more people can discover it. My name is Jennifer Loeb. I appreciate you taking the time to tune in. Until next time.