Creative Space with Jennifer Logue

The Key to Achieving Your Goals in 2024

Jennifer Logue

Ever find yourself dreaming big but struggling to take the first step? On today's episode of Creative Space, we tackle the art of turning those dreams into reality. I get personal, sharing my journey of how a simple schedule adjustment led to an extraordinary leap in my vocal skills. We'll dissect the mantra "Think big, start small," and I'll show you how this philosophy isn't just a feel-good slogan but a practical, actionable strategy that can help you, too, make significant strides towards your creative aspirations.

This episode is your toolkit for weaving your passions seamlessly into the fabric of everyday life. I'll guide you through the importance of aligning your daily routine with your grandest goals, whether you're penning a novel or honing your guitar skills. Get ready to be inspired by the power of consistency and find out how even 30 minutes a day can accumulate into a wealth of progress. So join me, as we explore how each small step is a crucial part of the journey to becoming the creator you've always envisioned. And don't forget to share your plans for carving out creative space in 2024—I'm all ears at: Let's grow together in this year of creativity.

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Jennifer Logue:

Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of Creative Space, a podcast where we explore, learn and grow in creativity together. I'm your host, jennifer Loge, and today we are going to talk about the key to achieving your creative goals in 2024. You could write a book on this subject and I'm not saying that what I'm about to talk about is the only thing you have to do to achieve your creative goals. But out of everything I've tried over the years, what I'm about to share has been the most valuable for me. So here it is Think big and start small. It's simple, but hear me out On the think big side of things. Have a vision for what you want to accomplish, who you want to be as a creator, and don't limit yourself. Go within and really listen to your heart and find out what it is that you want for yourself, without the distraction of outside voices. Not everyone wants to be famous. Not everyone wants to have so much wealth that they don't know what to do with it. Not everyone cares about awards. I think a lot of creatives out there just want to make a full time living doing what they love, to wake up and to be able to commit fully to their art, even if it meant living frugally. But think about what you want for your big vision. The second part of this is to start small. How do you get from point A to point B? One would say take a leap of faith, take massive action towards your goals, quit your job, move across the country, and on and on and on. And that might be what you need to do right now, but for me, I've found the most success from starting small, from blooming where I'm planted, from examining where I am right now in my life and the space that I have available to me to let new things grow. We only have so many hours in a day, so we have to make the most of those hours. Even after you quit the job, even after you make the move, the story doesn't end there. So that's where starting small begins.

Jennifer Logue:

I'll use myself as an example. Last year I wanted to start working with a vocal coach to start building my voice back to where it was before. But I also have a full-time job, so to carve out time for daily practice, I looked at my current schedule, which was pretty intense, and I had to change some things to make it work. So I used to work out of the gym in the morning, but that 20-minute commute time every day, plus the 10 to 15 minutes it takes to get ready to go to the gym. I started working out at home instead, during the week, so I could use that time in the morning for vocalizing, according to singing, for 30 minutes a day at a minimum. The progress that I've made in six months is incredible. 30 minutes is nothing in the context of 24 hours it doesn't seem like a lot, but in six months that 30 minutes turned into 90 hours of singing. Let's use another example.

Jennifer Logue:

Maybe you want to write a novel by the end of the year. Write a page a day and carve out the time in your day to make that possible. By the end of the year you'll have 365 pages. It's a much better approach than having yourself write for three hours a day. It's easy to commit to a page, even on the hard days. The biggest takeaway from this whole thinking big and starting small idea is that you need to carve out time in your day, every day, to accomplish your goal. It needs to become part of your daily life, part of your routine. When we make space, even if it's a little space, everything becomes possible. Now I have a question for you what are some ways that you can make space for your goal in 2024? How can you commit daily to achieving your goal? I'd love to hear about what you're working on. Feel free to message me at info at jenniferaloguecom. That's all I have for this episode of Creative Space. My name is Jennifer Loge and thank you so much for taking the time to listen. Until next time.